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Hi, I'm Cary.

Certified Professional Organizer® and founder working alongside my team to design thoughtful systems that restore balance to busy lives.


Celebrate your child’s creativity with these tips on how to organize their artwork, preserve it and treasure it for years to come. In this video, I walk you through the steps to organize, sort and categorize your child’s artwork. I then show you how you can create a photo book to showcase their art so you and your family can enjoy it. Give your child’s creativity a place of honor in your home!


I’m Cary Prince – organizing stylist, clutter wrangler, and chaos eliminator.

My job? To bring more order, beauty, and happiness into your life – so that you have more time to enjoy it!I apply my home organizing skills and concepts to transform kitchens, closets, offices, garages, storage units, and entire homes into organized, useful spaces. Seeing the happiness and relief it brings my clients is the true meaning, joy and benefit of being organized.I transform your life one space at a time — so you can finally do what you love.

Organize with me!

#ArtkiveReview #ArtkivePhotoBooks #OrganizeKidsArtwork #organizekidsart #organizewithme #cherishthememories #caryprinceorganizing #caryprince

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