Entries by Cary Prince

Organizing Gifts for Dad (2024)

Best Organizing Tips for Dad, Part 2 It’s almost Father’s Day, so how about some ideas for the best gifts to help the men in your life get organized? I’ve compiled a few of my favorite products that they will love! Father’s Day Gift Ideas for New Dad If you’re a new dad – or […]

3 Things You Must Do to Prepare for an Emergency

With the recent spate of natural disasters – Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, two earthquakes in Mexico and multiple fires in California – we’ve been given a wake-up call to get prepared. You never think it can happen to you, and then it does. So in honor of Emergency Preparedness Month, let’s review a few […]

Protecting Your Memories

Along with the devastation that Hurricane Harvey wreaked on my family, friends and countless others in Houston*, there was another sad consequence that haunted me: what about all those precious memories that were lost? Houses were chest-deep in water, with floating pieces of furniture, particularly credenzas and dressers, that must have been filled with countless […]

Organizing Your Garage

Best Organizing Tips for Dad: Part 3 If there’s one area of the home that is almost universally claimed by dads, it’s the garage. It’s also the one area where organizing can be its most challenging: it’s a big space and a lot goes on there! In the last post of my series, Best Organizing […]

Organizing Warranties & Manuals

Best Organizing Tips for Dad: Part 1 Warranties, manuals and instructions, oh my! With the purchase of any new gadget, tool or toy, you also find yourself saddled with a lot of paper. Father’s Day is around the corner and new devices —  and the accompanying paper — are sure to find their way into […]

3 Ways to Make Life Easier

Best Organizing Tips for Mom: Part 3 Wouldn’t it be nice if you could simply snap your fingers and get things done? It may not always be a snap, but a click will work just as well.  As a working parent, I have mastered the art of snapping and clicking, and I’m excited to share […]

Holy Guacamole!

Feliz Cinco de Mayo! For Americans, it’s the perfect Mexican holiday that no Mexican would celebrate (outside of the ones in Puebla who kicked out the occupying French army on this day in 1862). Those of us north of the border have adopted May 5th as a great opportunity to throw a fiesta – and […]

Scheduling Your Busy Life

Best Organizing Tips for Mom: Part 2 Man plans, and God laughs. – Yiddish proverb From the earliest days of being a parent, keeping to a schedule is a lofty and sometimes laughable goal. New parents aim to put their babies on feeding schedules, adhere to sleeping schedules, squeeze in tummy time workouts and so […]

Your Home Command Center: The Best Way to Organize Your Family

Best Organizing Tips for Mom: Part 1 Do you ever feel like your world is spinning out of control? Are you unable to keep everything straight between work commitments, PTA meetings, doctors’ appointments, your various volunteer roles and the ever-rotating schedule of after-school activities, music lessons, sports practices and weekend games? You need a command […]

Organize Your Files for Success

The thought of filing may fill a precious few with joy: “Hooray! I’m processing that paper and finding a home for it!” But if you’re like most, the thought of filing comes with a wave of dread. If you fall into the latter category, I’m going to give you some helpful tips that will make […]

Organize Your Desk for Success

What is your workspace like? Is it a sanctuary you escape to in order to focus, create and produce brilliant work? Or is it a place you run away from (or would like to run away from) because you can’t focus, aren’t able to access the items you need and are challenged to be productive? […]

Organize Your Paper for Success

What does your desk look like? Is it a blank slate, waiting for inspiration to strike, or is it strewn with a mess of papers that looks like a tornado just touched down? I’ve seen both and lived through it all! I’m a “Nothing Out” person while my husband is an “Everything Out” person, based […]