Aging Up Your Child's Room includes the desk fit for a teen guitar and wall artwork for youth

Aging Up & Organizing Your Kid's Room

Do you suddenly have a teenager living in your home? Then it’s time to update their room! There comes a time in every mom’s life when you realize that your little kid isn’t a little kid anymore. With that comes a need to update and…
Get Road Trip Ready by Organizing Your Car

Get Road Trip Ready by Organizing Your Car

It’s summer! Time to step on the gas and find adventure out on the open road. From day trips to weekend escapes to cross-country travel, your car becomes the center of your world. Keeping it neat and organized can go a long way to helping…
Memory Box for your child

How to Create a Kid's Memory Box

If you have a child, they come with paper – and LOTS of it! These keepsake papers provide such a beautiful window into their world: their karate certificate of achievement, school play program, first handmade Mother’s Day card, and school…
Spice Bottles Lined Up in a Row

Spice Up Your Life by Organizing Your Spices!

Spices enhance our food’s taste and aroma, and add zest to our life experience. In this blog, discover how to organize your spice cabinet so that you can enjoy doing more of what you love in life. My spice cabinet used to be a jumbled mess.…
Organizing The Kitchen

Organizing The Kitchen

If there is a heart in the home, it’s the kitchen. It’s where everything happens: meals are cooked, mouths are fed, bodies are nourished, plans are made, homework gets done and, inevitably, it’s where everyone gathers at any party you…

Declutter Your Stuff

Decluttering Your Life Series, Part I Decluttering! One of the most challenging things I do with my clients is helping them edit their belongings to make their spaces more organized, functional and beautiful. There are just so many questions…

Organizing Your Recipes

One passion I share with many of my clients is the joy of cooking. There is nothing more delightful than bringing a random assortment of ingredients together and creating something magical. We love exchanging recipes, talking about how this…
3 Things You Must Do to Prepare for an Emergency

3 Things You Must Do to Prepare for an Emergency

With the recent spate of natural disasters – Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, two earthquakes in Mexico and multiple fires in California – we’ve been given a wake-up call to get prepared. You never think it can happen to you, and then…
organization tips for protecting your memories

Protecting Your Memories

Along with the devastation that Hurricane Harvey wreaked on my family, friends and countless others in Houston*, there was another sad consequence that haunted me: what about all those precious memories that were lost? Houses were chest-deep…

Organizing Your Garage

Best Organizing Tips for Dad: Part 3 If there’s one area of the home that is almost universally claimed by dads, it’s the garage. It’s also the one area where organizing can be its most challenging: it’s a big space and a lot goes on…
how to organize warranties and manuals

Organizing Warranties & Manuals

Best Organizing Tips for Dad: Part 1 Warranties, manuals and instructions, oh my! With the purchase of any new gadget, tool or toy, you also find yourself saddled with a lot of paper. Father's Day is around the corner and new devices --  and…

Your Home Command Center: The Best Way to Organize Your Family

Best Organizing Tips for Mom: Part 1 Do you ever feel like your world is spinning out of control? Are you unable to keep everything straight between work commitments, PTA meetings, doctors’ appointments, your various volunteer roles and the…