packing tips for summer travel

Organizing Your Summer Fun:
Packing It In

Happy first days of summer! Our summer break started a few days ago, and we’ve already kicked it into high gear with our annual 2-week jaunt to my home state of Texas. It’s an opportunity for my son to grasp his 8th generation Texan roots…

3 Cool Products to Get You Organized

When it comes to making your life better, professional organizers know how to do it best. They alleviate stress from clutter, create calm in chaotic environments, find creative storage solutions and help maximize your productivity, among many…

An Organizing Tip to File Under "Make My Life Easier"

Have you ever wanted to get to that t-shirt that’s at the bottom of your drawer, and you have to dig down through several layers of other clothing to get to it? Or more frustrating: when your daughter (or son!) can’t seem to find THAT…
a new twist to organizing your cabinets

Spin Doctor: A New Twist to Organizing Your Cabinets

“You spin me right round, baby, right round, like a record, baby, right round round round…” Ever have a favorite song (OK, so it’s from the ‘80s and I’m dating myself) or a favorite thing that makes you want to sing and dance?…
clean to start to organizing the laundry room

A Clean Start to Organizing the Laundry Room

Do you have an area of your home that drives you crazy? One that is too cluttered, too unorganized or just too scary to attack? A room that you keep meaning to get to, but a) you never have the time, b) you can’t even begin to conceptualize…
how to maximize storage space in bathroom cabinets

Abracadabra! The Best Trick to Maximize Storage in Any Space

As an organizer, one of the challenges I most enjoy is how to maximize storage in any kind of space. Fortunately, I’ve been given many opportunities in my lifetime to face this challenge – from carving a corner out for myself in tiny dorm…
Organizing the Kitchen

Organizing the Kitchen: My Favorite Secrets to Make You a Rock Star in Your Own Kitchen

One of my favorite spaces in a home is the kitchen, as I spend a lot of time there myself: it’s the heart of our home, it’s where everyone gathers and I love to cook! For that reason, one of my favorite challenges working with a client is…
three easy steps to organize your email

The “Prince-iples” of Organizing: 3 Easy Steps to Organize your Email (& Dig Your Way Out)

Are you buried in email with no sign of digging your way out? I’m here to throw you a lifeline and assure you that there is light at the end of the tunnel! Like many people, I aspire to “Inbox Zero” (the holy grail of having zero…
easy steps to organize your space from cary prince

The “Prince-iples” of Organizing: 5 Easy Steps to Organize Your Space

Do you want the secret of how to get organized? Would you believe it all boils down to just 5 steps? No matter how huge or overwhelming the state of disorder or chaos you are facing, take a deep breath, break the project down into chunks…
Organizing: It’s All About Location, Location, Location

Organizing: It’s All About Location, Location, Location

One of the second tenets of organization (following the first, which I wrote about here) is the location of the “homes” you create for your possessions.  No organizing product, system or magic trick has greater impact on keeping your space…
Linens and things in organized baskets and cubbies

Wrangle your wandering stuff! Give it all a “home.”

One of the primary tenets of organization is that everything must have a “home” – a place to “live” when it’s off-duty, being archived or just tucked away. I list this principle as the first tip in my guide “Top 10 Tips to Live…