Entries by Cary Prince


Homeschooling: Strategies for Success

If you’re a parent of school-age children during this pandemic, you experienced the joys (and pains) of homeschooling this past spring. We had hoped it would be a short season: we were rounding the bases and heading for home plate by summer. But alas, the season has been extended and we’re now going for extra […]

A Sweet Gift: Baking Sourdough Bread

Have you jumped on the baking bread bandwagon yet? If not, here’s your invitation to join the ride! Sheltering in place has brought out the chef in many of us. All of these weeks of staying indoors, eating at home, preparing three meals a day and being inches from our kitchens has given us lots […]

Declutter Your Digital Life

Decluttering Your Life Series, Part III As we work from home right now, we are given a unique opportunity to press “pause” on the craziness, stop the busy-ness and b r e a t h e. It’s also a time when we can simplify our lives, declutter and get organized for life after coronavirus. When […]


Declutter Your Mind

Decluttering Your Life Series, Part II When I work with clients to declutter and organize their spaces, I often find that there is another type of clutter lingering in the background that is contributing to the disorganization: mental clutter. Mental clutter can be as counterproductive as physical clutter. If you are overwhelmed and unable to […]

Declutter Your Stuff

Decluttering Your Life Series, Part I Decluttering! One of the most challenging things I do with my clients is helping them edit their belongings to make their spaces more organized, functional and beautiful. There are just so many questions to ask when making the decision to let go: Do I use it? Do I need […]

5 Packing Tips for Summer Camp

It’s summertime! For many of us, we will soon be sending our kiddos off to sleep-away camp. The weeks leading up to camp can be daunting: there is so much to think about, plan, do, get and pack to prepare for your little (or big!) ones’ time away from home. To make the process more […]

Organizing Your Recipes

One passion I share with many of my clients is the joy of cooking. There is nothing more delightful than bringing a random assortment of ingredients together and creating something magical. We love exchanging recipes, talking about how this or that is made, what tricks you could use or how delicious it tastes. Another thing […]

Wrangle your wandering stuff! Give it all a “home.”

One of the primary tenets of organization is that everything must have a “home” – a place to “live” when it’s off-duty, being archived or just tucked away. I list this principle as the first tip in my guide “Top 10 Tips to Live a More Organized Life” because I think nothing is more important than adhering to […]